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EXIT Realty truly is a different way to do Real Estate

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There is No Try

As I wrote to you before, I decided to write a series of blogs on saving a little money and how to be the best frugal-ista possible.  BUT before I do I must write about the attitude in which to approach budgeting and frugal-ing! ALSO, I just want you to know that by me writing these series of blogs does not mean that I have "arrived" at frugal-dom.  I am writing for the sole purpose of sharing my ideas, just in case you need some help.  I am always in search of a good blog to help me be a better household manager. 

And now, on to; 'There is No Try.'

 I've realized that no matter where you are, who you are, your position (or lack thereof), you can always strive to be better.  This is especially true when it comes to managing your household.  Being a Stay at Home Mom was not my idea of how to use my Business Degree.  In fact, I struggled with becoming a stay at home mom especially since I only graduated a year prior...Struggled is not the right word, bitterly fought is more appropriate.  I was really convicted when I read Dave Ramsey's book called "More than Enough," where he writes about the value of working hard no matter what your circumstance may be.

Does this sound familiar:  Still in PJ's until 11am, teeth not brushed, trying to figure out what to make for dinner, paper work pile a disaster, laundry spread to the ends of the earth, devotion not read, random splurge here and there, bad attitude on the verge of eruption

Then you sit on your bed and you think, "Well, isn't this glamorous?"  This was not the life I imagined myself having.  Mind you, I've always wanted to be a Mommy, but not like this.  I finally realized that it was me who had to change.  The demands of having a baby was not going to change, my dishes weren't going to wash themselves, my DH is (for the time being) going to have to work 50-60 hours a week (and now he's going back to school too!).  I had to TRY to be who I envisioned to be.  Now, before you come at me with a pitch fork, I'm not telling you to do something that doesn't work.  My goals were simple: Dress myself nicely in the mornings and make sure my teeth were brushed and get my devotional done.  I don't believe in pressuring yourself to do something that is impossible: BABY STEPS!

So.  The moral of the story is, if you want to stay on a budget or save money or be a domestic goddess you must work to achieve it.  I decided I will be the best Household Manager possible.  I clock in every morning at 7 am and clock out at 7:30PM (when baby boy goes to bed).  How I spend that day and with what attitude is entirely up to me. 

"Work is doing it.  Discipline is doing it every day.  Diligence is doing it well everyday." Dave Ramsey-More than Enough

I'm not going to tell you that I'm a diligent household manager.  I'm not, but I have decided to be purposeful about it.  I am envisioning what I want to be, how I want my husband and children to perceive me and how to live in a way that gives glory to Christ. 

Now, on to the REALLY glamorous stuff: painting my toe-nails  :)


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