EXIT Realty truly is a different way to do Real Estate

EXIT Realty truly is a different way to do Real Estate

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

PUT DOWN THE CELL PHONE (and creating healthy boundries)

As a Realtor® it is very necessary for your business to 1) have a cell phone and 2) answer it promptly. This is not only a good business practice but your main source for leads. If you don't answer, most likely clients will call someone else. As you can see this may pose a problem when it comes to life outside (there is no such thing) of Real Estate.

I knew I was in trouble when my phone rang 4 times, text message alert beeped 2 times and I received 3 emails in a course of our family dinner which is only about 30 minutes long. My husband gave me the "are you serious?" look and I knew what I had to do.

Boundaries. It sounds very defensive but healthy boundaries really put you on the offensive. It all starts with priorities. My priorities look like this:

1. Faith

2. Family

3. Real Estate

I feed my faith in Christ by attending church on Sunday (non negotiable unless I have an out of town buyer or seller that can't be serviced any other time) and having devotionals after dinner with my family. I am also very aware that (for me) Real Estate is a high stress job. I cope the best by reading my Bible and working out (usually in the form of Yoga). When in Yoga, I meditate on scripture and pray.

I protect my time with my family by turning my phone on vibrate at dinner time and leaving it in the living room and asking myself these questions when I receive emails and text messages. Does it need my immediate attention? If so, I tend to it. If not I put it on the back burner. In order to not miss anything I have put on the back burner, I go through all my text messages and emails periodically through the day to make sure I didn't skip anything. I usually always answer my phone I use this line to create a healthy boundary: "I can't talk right now can I call you back in an hour." I know it is simple but it keeps you from running like a chicken with your head cut off. (Just remember to call them back in an hour). I love using my phone calender to schedule call backs.

If Real Estate isn't a priority you will lose clients. I don't have to clock in or clock out, I create my own schedule. Time blocking and to do lists are my secret weapons for getting things done on time. I only have 2.5 years in the Real Estate Industry, so I am still learning by the seat of my pants. As my business grows I am finding out more about my strengths, weaknesses, what works, what doesn't and what makes me feel like a crazy person. :)

The take home: If you are attached to your phone, it is time to scale back. Set your priorities and make sure they reflect in the way you act. Strive to protect the precious things in your life even if it as the expense of something else. Talk it over with your spouse or close friend, ask them if there are any areas they think you could improve on. At EXIT we are encouraged to become a better person, to sharpen your skills and to feed your relationships.

Until next time, M.

Monday, September 16, 2013

My little Promo Video

Hey Readers,
I was soooo excited to create my promo video!  I was nervous at first, I mean a photo shoot?  Felt a little upscale for little ole me and old school Montana.  But it turned out great.  Check it out!

Madison Fulcher Real Estate

Monday, July 29, 2013

Real Estate Mama

It has been a long while since I have written, but it is time I dust off the Blogger cobwebs and get back to it.  I truly enjoy blogging and although my Mom and MIL may be the only ones who read this that is A-OK by me.

In February I became a Real Estate Agent!  Very exciting stuff-so exciting I'm pretty sure most of my friends and family thought I was going through a quarter century crises.  All kidding aside it has been alot of fun and I am learning so much.  Although I am a new agent I am not new to the Real Estate Industry.  Previously I was the Admin.  I am again, but I am also the boss's assistant AND I do my own Real Estate. Busy? Yes.  Loving it? Absolutely.

But as anyone can attest to, learning on the job skills can be tricky.  Here are some things that I have found that have been tricky so far in my Real Estate Career.

1.  State and National Real Estate Licensing can be really frustrating.  Mine went well.  I sat in a super duper long 60 hours of bum numbing class, took a terrifying test and then received my license 2 weeks after.  Sometimes it is not so easy.  Find a Broker that can guide you through it and is in touch with the Board of Realty Regulations.

2.  Real Estate is like one part sales, one part counselor and four parts patience.  Add lots of work, practice dialogue and a good lead generator.  I'm finding the wisdom of our Real Estate Jedi's (those in the office who have been in it awhile) is crucial to my success.

3.  Talking to strangers about a service you provide is TERRIFYING (even if you are an extrovert).  I always try to take my toddler when I must go door to door or social networking if I can help it.  You can't be mean to a cute kid. 

4.  Self Initiative -> Tenacity->Follow Through->Repeat.  I'm finding out I am a great starter but not such a good closer.  Learning the close dialogue on Real Estate situations is tricky for me.

5. Client/time management.  You want to be there  for your clients vs.  you want to be there for your family.  Plus making dinner, cleaning, hobbies (what are those?) and dirty laundry.  Yah, figure that one out.

 It has been a grand adventure so far.  I would have never thought of Real Estate as my career of choice.  I'm so grateful this door has been opened and I have the opportunity to help my husband through school while I become the Real Estate Sugar Mama...

Until next time,


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Office Organizing Ordeal..phew

Well, it is done!  The office corner was mayhem and with DH working and going to school full time and me picking up some more hours nannying I needed a landing place for the important things.  When I thought I lost a check this week I knew something had to be done.

Here is how I got organized on the Office:
1.  Identify what you want to organize, specify exactly what is the major problem.  For this space it was that papers would get everywhere, so every time I had to pay bills I was foraging through stacks of receipts, old mail and junk. That problem became my priority.  I figured out horizontal spaces are the devil.


2.  Create a budget.  I had Christmas money to spend so I figured $50 would be exactly what I needed.  I went over by $10.00.  Not too bad, I knew this space would be the most costly.
Bare bones

3.  Remove EVERYTHING from the space.

4.  Sort through everything.  Does it apply to the space's job?  Have you used it in 6 months-1 Year (get rid of it?  Does it need to be relocated?  I had 3 bins on hand: Relocation bin, Trash Bin and To use bin.  The relocation bin can be for donation or just needs a new place or needs to be put back where it belongs.

5.  Put in the bare bones.


6.  Return Items from the top down.

Now ENJOY your organized space!

With the $60 bucks I bought a collapsible storage ottoman from Ross ($20), the wall organizer from Target ($25), the red clock ($7), the black shelf ($10), and the cup ($1).  I also reorganized the drawers and bills.  I tried to be as frugal as possible and use what we had.  The wood 2X4 actually says "give thanks" on the back but it doesn't really match our decor so I flipped it over and put nails in for a coat rack. :)

Stay tuned next week for the Kitchen Makeover!

~ M.

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